Tuesday, 23 June 2009


Amazing anonymous drone bliss build up stuff from nowhere. Side B will actually cut you in half.
I dont know what the fuck this is, or where it came from, but it fucking destroys.
So just take my advice and blast this, right now.


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Thursday, 11 June 2009

Pans Als Allgott Saturnia, 1977

Awesome and seemingly lesser known release from James Ferraro.. Cant find this anywhere!
Might start a japanese underground series on this blog, any thoughts on rotating themes?
Definitely recommended.

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Friday, 5 June 2009

Dolphins Into The Future - On Sea faring Isolation

This is the brand spanking new Dolphins Into The Future LP, and i can safely say its his best work that i've heard so far. Casual new age ocean drones and synth sweeps pour out of this release, and its definitely a good starting point.
I should also point out i saw this dude live not that long ago and he was great! Buy his shit..


PS: You should all know that my SCG material is on an external drive, packed away from my move to university, but it shall be back on here.. soon (ish)
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